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Persons Naturalized by State or Territory of Residence from the Naturalizations Database
State - 2021
Sage Data™: A Sage Publishing Resource, Source: United States Department of Homeland Security
Unit: Persons
0 - 30,000
30,000 - 60,000
60,000 - 90,000
90,000 - 110,000
110,000 - 140,000
140,000 - 180,000
Source: United States Department of Homeland Security

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established in 2002 by the Homeland Security Act of 2002, combining 22 different federal departments and agencies into a unified, integrated Cabinet agency. Its mission is focused on protecting Americans from terrorism and other homeland security threats, as well as on securing the nation’s borders and keeping communities safe while managing a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system.

Dataset: Persons Naturalized by State or Territory of Residence from the Naturalizations Database

Provides a count of the number of persons aged 18 years and older who became naturalized U.S. citizens. Statistics are reported by the new citizen’s state or territory of residence. Naturalizations refer to persons aged 18 and over who become citizens of the U.S. Most lawful permanent residents are eligible to apply for naturalization within 5 years after obtaining Lawful Permanent Status.

Provides statistics on the number of persons aged 18 years and older who became naturalized U.S. citizens. Naturalization confers U.S. citizenship upon foreign nationals who have fulfilled the requirements Congress established in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). After naturalization, foreign-born citizens enjoy nearly all of the same benefits, rights, and responsibilities that the Constitution gives to native-born U.S. citizens, including the right to vote. Data are obtained from naturalization applications and are published by the Office of Immigration Statistics of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Data are reported by fiscal year.

Official recording of immigration to the U.S. began in 1820 after the passage of the Act of March 2, 1819. From 1820 to 1867, figures represent alien passenger arrivals at seaports; from 1868 to 1891 and 1895 to 1897, immigrant alien arrivals; from 1892 to 1894 and 1898 to 2014, immigrant aliens admitted for permanent residence; from 1892 to 1903, aliens entering by cabin class were not counted as immigrants. Land arrivals were not completely enumerated until 1908. Data are reported by fiscal year (FY). FY 1843 covers 9 months ending September 30, 1843; FYs 1832 and 1850 cover 15 months ending December 31 of the respective years; FY 1868 covers 6 months ending June 30, 1868; and FY 1976 covers 15 months ending September 30, 1976.

Technical Documentation

United States Department of Homeland Security (2024-01-11). Naturalizations: Persons Naturalized by State or Territory of Residence, 2021. Sage Data. Sage Publishing Ltd. (Dataset). Dataset-ID: 032-007-002

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