The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is the principal federal agency responsible for programs concerned with the Nation's housing needs, fair housing opportunities, and improvement and development of the nation's communities. HUD's mission is to increase homeownership, support community development and increase access to affordable housing free from discrimination.
Dataset: Family Type/Structure from the Picture of Subsidized Households DatabaseProvides further insight into a household's composition, such as percentages of households: with 2 or more adults and 1 or more children under 18 years of age; with 1 adult and 1 or more children under 18 years of age; with a female as its head; with a female as its head and 1 or more children under 18 years of age; below 62 years of age with a head or co-head (e.g., spouse) that has a disability; above 62 years of age with a head or co-head (e.g., spouse) that has a disability; where the head or co-head (elder of the two) is 24 years or below; where the head or co-head (elder of the two) is 25 to 50 years of age; where the head or co-head (elder of the two) is 51 to 61 years of age; where the head or co-head (elder of the two) is 62 years of age or older; where the head or co-head (elder of the two) is 85 years of age or older. Finally, this dataset also displays the percentage of all persons residing in assisted housing who have a disability.
The Picture of Subsidized Households, also known as the Assisted Housing: National and Local dataset, supplies information on U.S. households participating in one or more of HUD's housing programs, displaying data at national (includes U.S. territories), state, county, city, and ZIP code levels. Data reported includes basic program information, along with characteristics of these households, such as rent, income, family type, race and ethnicity, and social conditions. Updated annually, this dataset covers a number of HUD programs: Public Housing; Housing Choice Voucher Program, Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab); and the collection of multifamily programs such as Project-Based Section 8, Rent Supplement and Rental Assistance Program (RentSup/RAP), Below Market Interest Rate (Section 236/BMIR) properties, Supportive Housing for the Elderly (Section 202) and PRAC (project rental assistance contracts), and Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program (Section 811) and PRAC. For years 2009 through 2013, the programs covered include: Section 8 New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation, Section 236 Projects, All Other Multifamily Assisted Projects, and Low Income Housing Tax Credit.
Data for year 2023 rely on the 2020 Census figures. Data for years 2012 through 2022 rely on the 2010 Census figures (e.g., geography, population). Data for years 2011 and earlier are based on 2000 Census figures. HUD only began reporting ZIP-code level data in 2017. Data marked missing, non-reporting, suppressed, and/or not applicable have been excluded from the display. For city-level data (2009-2011), only LIHTC will be shown, as HUD programs do not provide this same level of detail in these years. Due to errors in the source datasets, congressional district- and census tract-level data are not shown on Sage Data. See technical documentation's data dictionary for detailed breakdowns of programs.
Technical DocumentationUnited States Department of Housing and Urban Development (2024-06-14). Picture of Subsidized Households: Family Type/Structure | Summary of All HUD Programs | Presence Of Children - % 2+ adults with children | Presence Of Children - % female head, 2009 - 2021. Sage Data. Sage Publishing Ltd. (Dataset). Dataset-ID: 009-003-003.
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