The Energy Information Administration (EIA), created by Congress in 1977, is an independent statistical and analytical agency within the United States Department of Energy. Its mission is to provide policy-independent data, forecasts, and analyses to promote sound policy making, efficient markets, and public understanding regarding energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.
Dataset: All Grades from the Retail Gasoline Prices DatabaseIncludes all finished motor gasoline grades (regular, midgrade, premium) and formulations (conventional, reformulated).
Data are from Form EIA-878, "Motor Gasoline Price Survey" and Form EIA-888, "On-Highway Diesel Fuel Price Survey". Retail prices for all three grades of gasoline are collected by telephone from a sample of approximately 900 retail gasoline outlets. Retail on-highway diesel prices are collected by telephone and fax from a sample of approximately 350 retail diesel outlets, including truck stops and service stations. Detailed sample methodology and information are available at and
For more information on US Energy Production, Consumption, Prices, and Expenditures statistics in Data-Planet, .
Energy Information Administration (2024-12-01). Retail Gasoline Prices: All Grades, 04/1993 - 11/2024. Sage Data. Sage Publishing Ltd. (Dataset). Dataset-ID: 004-004-001
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