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Education from the World Development Indicators Database
Country: Afghanistan 1970 - 2020
Sage Data™: A Sage Publishing Resource, Source: World Bank
Source: World Bank

Founded in 1944 as a result of the Bretton Woods Conference, the World Bank is an independent specialized agency of the United Nations that provides financial and technical assistance to developing countries in order to foster economic growth and reduce poverty. Today, the World Bank Group comprises five institutions owned by 189 member countries: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which focuses on middle-income and creditworthy poor countries; the International Development Association (IDA), which focuses on least developed countries; the International Finance Corporation (IFC); the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

Dataset: Education from the World Development Indicators Database

These indicators show metrics on Education broken down by topical areas of efficiency, inputs, outcomes, and participation. For World Bank definitions of each indicator, go to https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/search/dataset/0037712/World-Development-Indicators.

The World Bank provides broad and open access to a comprehensive set of internationally comparable national-level data on development and conditions of people’s lives in nations around the world. The time series provided here contains over 1,100 indicators covering 213 economies. Data include indicators of education, environment, economic, financial, infrastructure, health, labor and social protection, poverty, private sector and trade, and public sector development of the world's nations.

Data sources and years of coverage vary across indicators. Much of the data comes from the statistical systems of World Bank member countries. The quality of the data depends on how well these national systems perform. Errata announcements are posted periodically by the World Bank; please see the technical documentation. To facilitate data comparability and to adjust for geocoding differences among data sources, data reported here for Guernsey represents data for both the Bailiwick of Guernsey and the Bailiwick of Jersey in the British Channel Islands. For definitions of indicators, see the World Bank Metadata Glossary at https://databank.worldbank.org/metadataglossary/all/series

Technical Documentation

World Bank (2024-10-08). World Development Indicators: Education | Afghanistan | School enrollment, tertiary, female (% gross) | School enrollment, tertiary, male (% gross), 1970 - 2020. Sage Data. Sage Publishing Ltd. (Dataset). Dataset-ID: 051-001-036. https://doi.org/10.6068/DP17F6AF7B5AE10

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